Thursday, April 30, 2015

Day 37 & 38

I'm really liking Beast Body. After the workout, I find that I'm not as sore and debilitated as when I begin a new cardio or circuit training workout. I've been taking rest days between each workout and that's been working really well. I don't want to overwork myself and get hurt or quit.

Wednesday I did BUILD Legs. I usually die the day after I doing lower body work, especially lunges. I feel great. Don't get me wrong, I FEEL the workout, but I'm not on my back or unable to walk up steps. I think if I was going day to day, back to back, it might be a different story.

I'm hoping to spend the month doing workouts every other day and then following the six days per week calendar in June, which is my month off from teaching; summer break.

I haven't hit 2800 calories any day. That's what Body Beast says I need to eat to get through the workouts. I don't think I've ever eaten that much purposefully. At least not health-consciously.

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