Thursday, April 2, 2015

Day 10: Week in Review 1

I've done pretty well this week, if I do say so myself.

My Fitness Pal

This is my net daily calorie diary, which means it adds up my food intake and deducts any exercising. That Monday, March 30th, was our first night of vacation when I spent the day in the room with a fever and a mini-fridge full of food.

Does anyone else crave potato chips? I dream about chips. I buy the healthiest kind. Organic Kettle chips. Doesn't matter. A handful is still about 100 calories! And I can't have just one handful:-( That day, I had half the bag. But then I opened up the second bag...

On a bright note, My Fitness Pal says that if I continue on this streak, I'll loose close to ten pounds in five weeks. We'll see...

I also started a Multi Vitamin today. Mainly because I haven't been feeling well and didn't feel like cooking a balanced meal.


I'm enjoying the Abs Challenge. Sure its only the second day, but I like having a numerical goal to meet.

I ran today for the first time in months. And I nearly cried. I ran an 18-minute mile! That's horribly awful. I was doing 12-minute miles last Fall. That's a priority now. Getting my speed back.

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