Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Day 23 Food Budget

I look at food now in terms of how many calories will it cost me?

I had a great breakfast (protein shake), lunch (chicken breasts and broccoli) and snack (almonds) along with water infused with lemon, mint and cucumbers. I also got my workout done -well, yesterday's workout. But then I felt sleepy, which sucked because I had an awesome uninterrupted night of sleep.

Anyway, that led me to not want to make dinner. So I decided to stop off at Chick fil A. Before I went in, I used the My Fitness Pal app to see what I could have with the calories I had remaining. I choose a 12 piece nugget and small waffle fries. I still had enough left over for one of those warm, gooey, chocolate chip cookies. But they were 300 calories each! I couldn't allow myself to do it. Not when I had cookies at home that were half that.

In my head, I said to myself "That cookie is too expensive." the cookie was a dollar and change -if you had one before you know its worth that amount. But I wasn't talking about the cash. No, I was talking about the calories!

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