Monday, April 6, 2015

Day 13 & 14

DAY 13
I managed to stay on my meal plan on Easter Sunday at my Grandmother's house surrounded by candy, chocolates, and sugar saturated foods!

I've deemed Sunday a Rest Day. It was hard to not do any exercise because I want the results. But I chilled. I could feel the work I'd been doing -especially in the abs.

DAY 14
Started Monday off right with my first FIRM workout in years! I love those Southern belles.

"You only want your hand to wave bye, not your whole arm."

I love it! I burned nearly 500 calories with that one workout, which included my 100 ab exercises for the Abs Challenge. Still gotta get in a 15 minute walk for my half marathon training, which is another 80 calorie burn. Its going to be a good day!

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