Saturday, April 25, 2015

Day 33

My new scale arrived today. The old one that I had for years gave up the ghost months ago. I told myself not to step on the new scale, but it was so pretty out of the package.

I stepped on it.
I stared at it.
I stepped off it.
I stepped back on it again.
I will not tell you what it said to me, but it was not what I was expecting.

I don't understand how I lost an inch on my waist and gained weight?

I'm starting Body Beast next week. It tells me to eat more calories than I've been eating for the last 30 days. I'm not okay with that. At all. But eating less calories hasn't been working for me.

I'm on the hunt for a food scale, a stability ball, and heavier dumbells. My heaviest dumbells are 8 pounders (I hear you snorting Mrs. Reaves!). The lightest weights on Body Beast begin at 10 pounds.

I'm hoping to start the program on Friday. In the meantime, I'll get back on my running regimen.

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