Monday, April 20, 2015

Day 28

I don't want to call today a FAIL because I accomplished so much. So much of every things except
exercise. Of any kind.

I was glued to my home desk chair, in my pajamas, until 1pm. Then I rushed to work to teach a class from 2-5pm (where I edited my story as students gave presentations). And then rushed back home to make dinner, and sit right back in my desk chair.

What I realize is that exercise is such a mental game. I have the time to work out. Even now, I have time to pop in a DVD or take a walk. But getting this scene done for my next book is more important to me right now.

I'm not gonna give myself a hard time, because my book is important to me. My books are what just allowed me to sign my kids up for martial arts class. I've been wanting to do it since we moved here, but I could never find money in the budget -NOVA is expensive! But I'm now making a few hundred dollars a month from my books, which feels awesome.

I ordered Body Beast last weekend for Set and I because I've been told by the males in my family that he needs to start lifting weights. I'm going to work that into the schedule. Perhaps next week. I'm not sure.

In any case, I'll try harder tomorrow to get my exercise on. That's why I have this blog. I'll be accountable every day for at least a year.

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