I'm really liking Beast Body. After the workout, I find that I'm not as sore and debilitated as when I begin a new cardio or circuit training workout. I've been taking rest days between each workout and that's been working really well. I don't want to overwork myself and get hurt or quit.
Wednesday I did BUILD Legs. I usually die the day after I doing lower body work, especially lunges. I feel great. Don't get me wrong, I FEEL the workout, but I'm not on my back or unable to walk up steps. I think if I was going day to day, back to back, it might be a different story.
I'm hoping to spend the month doing workouts every other day and then following the six days per week calendar in June, which is my month off from teaching; summer break.
I haven't hit 2800 calories any day. That's what Body Beast says I need to eat to get through the workouts. I don't think I've ever eaten that much purposefully. At least not health-consciously.
Its been such a long time I forgot that I was fly. Here's my one year journey to get healthy and take flight again.
Thursday, April 30, 2015
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Day 35 & 36
Started Body Beast yesterday. Did the BUILD Biceps and Triceps workout. My favorite part, no running or hopping around.
I love aerobics, I do. My retirement plan is to be a Sweatin with the Oldies aerobics instructor. Seriously! But my body just doesn't want to jump right now. So I really appreciated the sitting down with bodybuilding.
I sat on my "bench" which was my The Firm Stair Climber on its incline. The heaviest weights I lifted was only 13 pounds -it felt like 100! I completed 90% of the workout on the first time. I've never done that with any other workout programs.
Today, I feel a slight usage in my shoulders, but no pain. That's a first time occurrence too. Now, I'm not giving up my love of aerobics. But this is a nice little break from it.
Today, I go down to the legs...
I love aerobics, I do. My retirement plan is to be a Sweatin with the Oldies aerobics instructor. Seriously! But my body just doesn't want to jump right now. So I really appreciated the sitting down with bodybuilding.
I sat on my "bench" which was my The Firm Stair Climber on its incline. The heaviest weights I lifted was only 13 pounds -it felt like 100! I completed 90% of the workout on the first time. I've never done that with any other workout programs.
Today, I feel a slight usage in my shoulders, but no pain. That's a first time occurrence too. Now, I'm not giving up my love of aerobics. But this is a nice little break from it.
Today, I go down to the legs...
Sunday, April 26, 2015
Day 34
Got in 30 minutes of Cross Country Skiing today for a 400 calorie burn. I barely ate 2000 calories though. I'm supposed to consume 2800 calories per day for Body Beast. I don't know that that's going to happen? The only time I eat that much is when I carb load.
I have to admit I'm a bit excited about taking a break from cardio for awhile. I'll keep my running schedule (30 minute runs 4x per week), but keep still and lifting...let's see how it goes.
I have to admit I'm a bit excited about taking a break from cardio for awhile. I'll keep my running schedule (30 minute runs 4x per week), but keep still and lifting...let's see how it goes.
Saturday, April 25, 2015
Day 33
My new scale arrived today. The old one that I had for years gave up the ghost months ago. I told myself not to step on the new scale, but it was so pretty out of the package.
I stepped on it.
I stared at it.
I stepped off it.
I stepped back on it again.
I will not tell you what it said to me, but it was not what I was expecting.
I don't understand how I lost an inch on my waist and gained weight?
I'm starting Body Beast next week. It tells me to eat more calories than I've been eating for the last 30 days. I'm not okay with that. At all. But eating less calories hasn't been working for me.
I'm on the hunt for a food scale, a stability ball, and heavier dumbells. My heaviest dumbells are 8 pounders (I hear you snorting Mrs. Reaves!). The lightest weights on Body Beast begin at 10 pounds.
I'm hoping to start the program on Friday. In the meantime, I'll get back on my running regimen.
I stepped on it.
I stared at it.
I stepped off it.
I stepped back on it again.
I will not tell you what it said to me, but it was not what I was expecting.
I don't understand how I lost an inch on my waist and gained weight?
I'm starting Body Beast next week. It tells me to eat more calories than I've been eating for the last 30 days. I'm not okay with that. At all. But eating less calories hasn't been working for me.
I'm on the hunt for a food scale, a stability ball, and heavier dumbells. My heaviest dumbells are 8 pounders (I hear you snorting Mrs. Reaves!). The lightest weights on Body Beast begin at 10 pounds.
I'm hoping to start the program on Friday. In the meantime, I'll get back on my running regimen.
Friday, April 24, 2015
Day 32
Instead of going to a Chinese Food Restaurant and ordering shrimp and broccoli like I wanted, I made it myself -with Tilapia instead of shrimp. And then I nixed the rice for a salad.
Thursday, April 23, 2015
Day 31 First Step
I didn't take as many steps as I thought today. My goal was 10K. I got 6630.
Eating is still go very well. So I'm patting myself on the back for that.
We're going to start Body Beast next week. By we I mean me and Set, maybe Moya too. I'm just trying to figure out how to fit it into our busy schedules six days a week...
Eating is still go very well. So I'm patting myself on the back for that.
We're going to start Body Beast next week. By we I mean me and Set, maybe Moya too. I'm just trying to figure out how to fit it into our busy schedules six days a week...
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Day 30: Stepping It Up
I paused for a quick 5 minute cross training work out. Yes, only five minutes. But then I parked half a mile away from work so I'd have to walk to and from. So technically, I walked a mile today.
I'm going to start wearing a pedometer and am to get 10,000 steps every day so that I can feel good about myself while I'm on this writing binge.
My eating habits are fantastic right now! I should focus on that.
I'm going to start wearing a pedometer and am to get 10,000 steps every day so that I can feel good about myself while I'm on this writing binge.
My eating habits are fantastic right now! I should focus on that.
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Day 29: Groundhog Day
I repeated yesterday's schedule. Lots of writing, no exercise:-(
It might be a Groundhog Week. I just can't calm my mind down to workout when I have to get work done. I am going to walk tomorrow. At the very least, I will walk tomorrow.
I'm thinking about purchasing this and putting it under my desk for days like this, which will surely happen again and again.
It might be a Groundhog Week. I just can't calm my mind down to workout when I have to get work done. I am going to walk tomorrow. At the very least, I will walk tomorrow.
I'm thinking about purchasing this and putting it under my desk for days like this, which will surely happen again and again.
Monday, April 20, 2015
Day 28

exercise. Of any kind.
I was glued to my home desk chair, in my pajamas, until 1pm. Then I rushed to work to teach a class from 2-5pm (where I edited my story as students gave presentations). And then rushed back home to make dinner, and sit right back in my desk chair.
What I realize is that exercise is such a mental game. I have the time to work out. Even now, I have time to pop in a DVD or take a walk. But getting this scene done for my next book is more important to me right now.
I'm not gonna give myself a hard time, because my book is important to me. My books are what just allowed me to sign my kids up for martial arts class. I've been wanting to do it since we moved here, but I could never find money in the budget -NOVA is expensive! But I'm now making a few hundred dollars a month from my books, which feels awesome.
I ordered Body Beast last weekend for Set and I because I've been told by the males in my family that he needs to start lifting weights. I'm going to work that into the schedule. Perhaps next week. I'm not sure.
In any case, I'll try harder tomorrow to get my exercise on. That's why I have this blog. I'll be accountable every day for at least a year.
Sunday, April 19, 2015
Day 27
I haven't gotten sick yet. Perhaps I won't. I've been dousing myself with herbal remedies: echinacea tea, colliodial silver, and Emergen-C. I'm exhausted from taking care of a sick, pre-teen, male though! I've spent the last two days also being very careful of what I eat, not wanting to have to taste something for a second time (if you know what I mean).
I've noticed that I didn't do well on my running program last week. I'm going to try and focus on that this week. I'm also considering switching out the aerobics for yoga. I lost an inch on my waist since this journey began! Don't know about poundage yet? My digital scale died. Just ordered a new one.
I've noticed that I didn't do well on my running program last week. I'm going to try and focus on that this week. I'm also considering switching out the aerobics for yoga. I lost an inch on my waist since this journey began! Don't know about poundage yet? My digital scale died. Just ordered a new one.
Saturday, April 18, 2015
Day 26: Quarantine
There be illness in the Seneb household. Set caught a bug. Threw up on my carpet and comforter. Is running a fever and having low back pain. As the sole caretaker, I know I'm next. Don't expect much out of me for the next couple of days:-(
Friday, April 17, 2015
Day 25
Got some walking in today, but work (writing) was at the top of my list today.
Did well food wise as well -stayed in budget.
Noting much else to report.
Did well food wise as well -stayed in budget.
Noting much else to report.
Thursday, April 16, 2015
Day 24
I'm holding to the pattern of day on, day off for my workouts. I worked hard yesterday, but took it easy today. Staying hydrated is really making a difference to my energy level, as well as my sleeping. I haven't awakened groggy all week!
I also usually get really sore the day after a workout. I feel great! I'm just running around a lot between my students at school and my kids at home.
Tomorrow is my day off. I've promised myself I won't go crazy trying to make up work outs. I am a little bummed at the slack in my running routine. I'll need to focus on that more next week.
I also usually get really sore the day after a workout. I feel great! I'm just running around a lot between my students at school and my kids at home.
Tomorrow is my day off. I've promised myself I won't go crazy trying to make up work outs. I am a little bummed at the slack in my running routine. I'll need to focus on that more next week.
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Day 23 Food Budget

I had a great breakfast (protein shake), lunch (chicken breasts and broccoli) and snack (almonds) along with water infused with lemon, mint and cucumbers. I also got my workout done -well, yesterday's workout. But then I felt sleepy, which sucked because I had an awesome uninterrupted night of sleep.
Anyway, that led me to not want to make dinner. So I decided to stop off at Chick fil A. Before I went in, I used the My Fitness Pal app to see what I could have with the calories I had remaining. I choose a 12 piece nugget and small waffle fries. I still had enough left over for one of those warm, gooey, chocolate chip cookies. But they were 300 calories each! I couldn't allow myself to do it. Not when I had cookies at home that were half that.
In my head, I said to myself "That cookie is too expensive." the cookie was a dollar and change -if you had one before you know its worth that amount. But I wasn't talking about the cash. No, I was talking about the calories!
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
Day 22
Remember I talked about my obsession, craving, affair with potato chips. Well I almost caved today. They were in my hand in the convenience store. I walked around the entire store before I finally sat them down to exchange them for a bag of cashews. I get out the store and see that the cashews were more calories than the chips!
Can't win for trying!
My butt hurts today. I'm contemplating just laying on my belly for the rest of the day instead of walking/running and doing more squats.
The beautiful thing about doing this accountability blog is that if I choose to rest today, its okay. Because I have to come back tomorrow and face a new day/challenge.
Can't win for trying!
My butt hurts today. I'm contemplating just laying on my belly for the rest of the day instead of walking/running and doing more squats.
The beautiful thing about doing this accountability blog is that if I choose to rest today, its okay. Because I have to come back tomorrow and face a new day/challenge.
Monday, April 13, 2015
Day 21
Sunday, April 12, 2015
Day 20: Rest Day
It was hard to rest today.
But I did.
The infused water is really working. I felt a burst of energy yesterday!
But I did.
The infused water is really working. I felt a burst of energy yesterday!
Saturday, April 11, 2015
Day 19 Water Works
This is how I plan to tackle my water deficiency. A water bottle that allows you to infuse fruit, vegetable and herbal flavors. Today's concotion: lemon, cucumber, basil water.
Friday, April 10, 2015
Day 18 Energy Deficiency
I'm still feeling sluggish and fatigued. I was assuming it was the low calorie diet and increased exercise. But I might be wrong. It might be that I'm dehydrated and vitamin deficient.
I googled "how to get more energy." An article on Web MD outlined each and every symptom I was feeling.
I'm also going to research sources of Magnesium and Omega-3 fatty acids. The article says women notoriously get too few of their daily need.
My current multivitamin only has 50mg of Magnesium, when we need 400mg each day! And it doesn't even list Omega-3 fatty acids at all.
We can get magnesium from peanut butter, green leafy veggies, and whole grains. I eat nuts every day. I eat green leafy veggies a number of times each week. But I try and stay away from most grains be they whole or not. My belief is that grains aren't kind to my waist line, and when I eat them I have trouble sleeping. I did an elimination diet last year and saw that when I went gluten free I slept better and had less mood swings.
Omegas are in fish like tuna, mackerel and salmon. I like tuna, but not enough to have a few times a week. I don't like mackerel or salmon at all. So I should probably look at a supplement.
I googled "how to get more energy." An article on Web MD outlined each and every symptom I was feeling.
- I've been fatigued all week.
- I've been craving carbs -did you read my potato chip post?
- I've been skipping meals -but I often skip meals in favor of snacking on energy and meal replacement bars. Mainly because I'm rushing around. More often because I'm just not hungry at the prescribed meal time hours of breakfast (8am), lunch (noon), and dinner (6pm).
I'm also going to research sources of Magnesium and Omega-3 fatty acids. The article says women notoriously get too few of their daily need.
My current multivitamin only has 50mg of Magnesium, when we need 400mg each day! And it doesn't even list Omega-3 fatty acids at all.
We can get magnesium from peanut butter, green leafy veggies, and whole grains. I eat nuts every day. I eat green leafy veggies a number of times each week. But I try and stay away from most grains be they whole or not. My belief is that grains aren't kind to my waist line, and when I eat them I have trouble sleeping. I did an elimination diet last year and saw that when I went gluten free I slept better and had less mood swings.
Omegas are in fish like tuna, mackerel and salmon. I like tuna, but not enough to have a few times a week. I don't like mackerel or salmon at all. So I should probably look at a supplement.
Thursday, April 9, 2015
Day 18 Down for the Count

I'm gonna climb in the bed right now and call it a day so that I can continue tomorrow.
I'm trying not to feel guilty about it. I have that stupid calendar on my wall and now its going to have a gap in smiley face stickers:-(
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
Day 17 Chip Attack
Do you dream of potato chips?
I do.
Nearly every day, sometimes at every meal.
I didn't have any today. They're too expensive -calorie-wise. They're about 150 calories per handful, and I can never have just one handful. No, I need to have the whole bag.
So I had a KIND bar instead. Thankfully, it was satisfying. But it didn't stop the dreaming...
Got all of my work done today:
-45 sit ups
-17+ minutes of walking
I do.
Nearly every day, sometimes at every meal.
I didn't have any today. They're too expensive -calorie-wise. They're about 150 calories per handful, and I can never have just one handful. No, I need to have the whole bag.
So I had a KIND bar instead. Thankfully, it was satisfying. But it didn't stop the dreaming...
Got all of my work done today:
-45 sit ups
-17+ minutes of walking
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
Day 15: Reward System
Monday, April 6, 2015
Day 13 & 14
DAY 13
I managed to stay on my meal plan on Easter Sunday at my Grandmother's house surrounded by candy, chocolates, and sugar saturated foods!
I've deemed Sunday a Rest Day. It was hard to not do any exercise because I want the results. But I chilled. I could feel the work I'd been doing -especially in the abs.

DAY 14
Started Monday off right with my first FIRM workout in years! I love those Southern belles.
"You only want your hand to wave bye, not your whole arm."
I love it! I burned nearly 500 calories with that one workout, which included my 100 ab exercises for the Abs Challenge. Still gotta get in a 15 minute walk for my half marathon training, which is another 80 calorie burn. Its going to be a good day!
I managed to stay on my meal plan on Easter Sunday at my Grandmother's house surrounded by candy, chocolates, and sugar saturated foods!
I've deemed Sunday a Rest Day. It was hard to not do any exercise because I want the results. But I chilled. I could feel the work I'd been doing -especially in the abs.

DAY 14
Started Monday off right with my first FIRM workout in years! I love those Southern belles.
"You only want your hand to wave bye, not your whole arm."
I love it! I burned nearly 500 calories with that one workout, which included my 100 ab exercises for the Abs Challenge. Still gotta get in a 15 minute walk for my half marathon training, which is another 80 calorie burn. Its going to be a good day!
Saturday, April 4, 2015
Day 12
Went a few calories over today. Began my monthly chocolate craving, if you know what I mean.
But I shaved 30 seconds off my mile run!
But I shaved 30 seconds off my mile run!
Friday, April 3, 2015
Day 11
Can you believe I made my exercise and diet calorie count, but not my writing word count!
Spent the day watching Torchwood while doing my daughter's hair. Then ate dinner at a girlfriend's house. I was worried that the pasta dinner would be a huge calorie dent, but it was only 280 calories!
I got the 120 Abs in by doing the bicycle. Had to break at 60, breath, and start again!
Spent the day watching Torchwood while doing my daughter's hair. Then ate dinner at a girlfriend's house. I was worried that the pasta dinner would be a huge calorie dent, but it was only 280 calories!
I got the 120 Abs in by doing the bicycle. Had to break at 60, breath, and start again!
Thursday, April 2, 2015
Day 10: Week in Review 1
I've done pretty well this week, if I do say so myself.
This is my net daily calorie diary, which means it adds up my food intake and deducts any exercising. That Monday, March 30th, was our first night of vacation when I spent the day in the room with a fever and a mini-fridge full of food.
Does anyone else crave potato chips? I dream about chips. I buy the healthiest kind. Organic Kettle chips. Doesn't matter. A handful is still about 100 calories! And I can't have just one handful:-( That day, I had half the bag. But then I opened up the second bag...
On a bright note, My Fitness Pal says that if I continue on this streak, I'll loose close to ten pounds in five weeks. We'll see...
I also started a Multi Vitamin today. Mainly because I haven't been feeling well and didn't feel like cooking a balanced meal.
I ran today for the first time in months. And I nearly cried. I ran an 18-minute mile! That's horribly awful. I was doing 12-minute miles last Fall. That's a priority now. Getting my speed back.
My Fitness Pal
This is my net daily calorie diary, which means it adds up my food intake and deducts any exercising. That Monday, March 30th, was our first night of vacation when I spent the day in the room with a fever and a mini-fridge full of food.Does anyone else crave potato chips? I dream about chips. I buy the healthiest kind. Organic Kettle chips. Doesn't matter. A handful is still about 100 calories! And I can't have just one handful:-( That day, I had half the bag. But then I opened up the second bag...
On a bright note, My Fitness Pal says that if I continue on this streak, I'll loose close to ten pounds in five weeks. We'll see...
I also started a Multi Vitamin today. Mainly because I haven't been feeling well and didn't feel like cooking a balanced meal.
I'm enjoying the Abs Challenge. Sure its only the second day, but I like having a numerical goal to meet.I ran today for the first time in months. And I nearly cried. I ran an 18-minute mile! That's horribly awful. I was doing 12-minute miles last Fall. That's a priority now. Getting my speed back.
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
Day 9: The Return
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