Thursday, March 26, 2015

Day 3

Tilapia and Coucous with Veggies
Walked the track for an hour today. Ignored the distance and focused on the time because I know I can walk a mile in under 15 minutes. That means I likely did four miles.

I'm looking for an app to help me include a food diary on the blog. This calculator says I need to limit my daily caloric intake to 2000 calories per day.

This site discusses how you need to burn (or lose) an addition 3500 calories per week, or 500 calories per day to lose one pound each week.

So far today I had egg whites and turkey for breakfast: @250 calories.
  • A Slimfast snack bar: 100 calories
  • Chai Tea: 120 calories
  • 2 Cups of Tea: 100 calories
  • Glass of Orange Juice: 100 calories
  • Powerbar: 240 calories
  • Veggie Coucous & Baked Tilapia: @500 calories
And I'll probably have a KIND Bar and a cup of Bedtime tea for another 250 calories. For a grand of close to 1600 calories.

My walking burned about 300 calories. So that looks like I need to lose an additional 2800 calories this week to lose a pound. Interesting. Let's see if it works.

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