Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Day 57 & 58

Day 57
Tuesdays are always hard. I get up Mondays invigorated! But then Tuesday rolls around and I have a million and two errands to run with my kids. I can't get any work out in and then I feel guilty, even though I know I'm not going to be able to get a work out in.

Day 58
Then Wednesday shows up while I'm still feeling guilty about Tuesday and I inevitably ask myself "What's the point?" Plus I stepped on the scale and it said something mean to me. I'm so upset that it was mean because I've been doing a very good job with my calorie budget. I might be periodic. I don't know, I don't keep track anymore in my advanced age;-)

The weird (good?) thing is, that I'd been feeling fly the past couple of days. I wore a couple of outfits that were form fitting. I was digging my curves. But then that stupid scale!

At the very least, I will go for a walk.

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