Sunday, May 10, 2015

Day 48

Last week was not the best week. Other than biking, I didn't get any formal exercise done. Part of it was due to creative demands and frustrations. The other part was due to lack of motivation.

I can already tell that this is going to be another week of creative demands. Maybe I need to break out the yoga? I'm trying to decide between yoga and T25. I'm hoping to get myself up 30 minutes early every morning this week and get some exercise in.

I'm gonna think on it more today...

I've thought about it. I don't think my mind will have the patience to do yoga with my writing deadlines. I'm going to attempt to get up at 5:30am Monday-Friday of this week and do Focus T25.

T25 Cardio
Body Beast: BUILD Shoulders

T25 Speed 1.0

T25 Total Body Circuit
Body Beast: BUILD Back & Biceps

Abs Intervals

Lower Focus
Body Beast: BUILD Chest & Triceps

This is ambitious.
I will do my best.
I will be kind to myself.

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