Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Day 64, 65 and likely through the end of the week

My eye has me down for the count. I ran around all day yesterday looking for an Ophthalmologist to take care of it. It was not a fun experience and its going to take at least a week before I can get seen and they can just examine me -not excise the damn thing.

It's really irritating me. It itches so badly some times and it obstructs my vision. Okay, pity party over.

I've been researching what I'm going to do once I'm healthy again. I'm thinking of joining a gym that does step aerobics. I love step. I found a chain that's across the street from my job and then again a few miles from my home. Gonna look into it when I'm healthy.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Day 63

Nothing today:-(

Here comes the whining: Eye itched all day. Fever came and went. Just laid low. Going to the Ophthalmologist tomorrow to see when I can get scheduled to get this thing removed so that I can get back on track. And on the track!

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Day 62

Only got in a short walk along a trail today. The eye itched and the mild fever came to play. Hoping to go on a hike for a couple of miles tomorrow with the kids.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Day 61

Went into the Health Clinic to finally get my eye looked at. It looks like I've been beat up, doesn't it! No, just sebaceous fluid trapped under my eyelid with not way out.

I'm on antibiotics. I'm a bit feverish, but I think I can still get some low impact work outs in this week. They say chalazions, which is what's going on with my eye, flare up due to stress. I'm sure its bad when you're stressed and don't realize that you're stressed. I'll aim for some yoga sessions this week.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Day 60

I've had this thing on my eye called a Chalazion for four weeks now. It's basically a pimple on my eyelid. It's gone down some, but its still pretty big. It started itching the past day or two and now I'm feeling feverish on one side of my face. I was trying to home remedy it, but gonna head into the clinic tomorrow morning.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Day 59

I didn't get any exercising done today.
And my food intake wasn't the best:( I stopped at a drive thru.
Then I ate two servings of potato chips.
Then I had a handful of chocolates.

No excuses. This is my space for accountability.

I'm going to look into Cross Fit. I recognize that I work best when I'm in a group setting and have other people checking me.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Day 57 & 58

Day 57
Tuesdays are always hard. I get up Mondays invigorated! But then Tuesday rolls around and I have a million and two errands to run with my kids. I can't get any work out in and then I feel guilty, even though I know I'm not going to be able to get a work out in.

Day 58
Then Wednesday shows up while I'm still feeling guilty about Tuesday and I inevitably ask myself "What's the point?" Plus I stepped on the scale and it said something mean to me. I'm so upset that it was mean because I've been doing a very good job with my calorie budget. I might be periodic. I don't know, I don't keep track anymore in my advanced age;-)

The weird (good?) thing is, that I'd been feeling fly the past couple of days. I wore a couple of outfits that were form fitting. I was digging my curves. But then that stupid scale!

At the very least, I will go for a walk.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Day 56

Taking a new approach this week. Instead of planning, I wake up and decide what physical activity I want to do each day. Today I wanted to get on the Cross Country Skier. So, I did. And I got back on my water intake. I feel pretty darn good!

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Dry Spell

Day 53-55

I'm taking the weekend off. I'm feeling fatigued again. I'm sure its because I didn't keep up my water intake this week. Its the only part of my routine that changed. I have lost close to five pounds since I started this journey. That's nearly a pound a week. So its working. I just gotta keeping what works.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Day 52

Today was an uphill battle...literally. I'd planned to bike to work. Left the house without my helmet,
and took the bus instead. I just couldn't get past the nagging mom voice that scolded my son any time he left to ride his bike without his helmet.

But then I had to take a bike to get to an appointment two miles away. So, I grabbed a bike. Little did I know, the journey was uphill. I spent most of the time walking the bike to my destination!

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Day 51

Whenever I make it plan about exercise it doesn't turn out as I expect. I was supposed to do T25 Total Body Circuit today. But I woke up feeling like doing step aerobics. So I popped in a Transfirmer DVD and had a great time stepping up on a 6", 8", and finally a 14" stair stepper.

Felt great all day!

I also had a really good bowel movement;-)

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Day 50

Wow fifty! It's Tired Tuesday. I knew when I silenced my alarm clock this morning that if I didn't get up the workout wouldn't get done. And I was right. 

But I said I'd be kind to myself and I'm holding to that. About to take a salt bath and close my eyes. 

Monday, May 11, 2015

Day 49

T25 Cardio
Body Beast: BUILD Shoulders

So I didn't get up at 5:30am, but I did complete the work out! Sort of...

I did really well with Focus T25. Then I went into Body Beast Build Shoulders. I was shaky during the warm up! And I had to bow out half way through because my arms were shaking.

Might not be the best idea to double up on these two. At least not so close together. I might try again tonight to complete the Beast workout.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Day 48

Last week was not the best week. Other than biking, I didn't get any formal exercise done. Part of it was due to creative demands and frustrations. The other part was due to lack of motivation.

I can already tell that this is going to be another week of creative demands. Maybe I need to break out the yoga? I'm trying to decide between yoga and T25. I'm hoping to get myself up 30 minutes early every morning this week and get some exercise in.

I'm gonna think on it more today...

I've thought about it. I don't think my mind will have the patience to do yoga with my writing deadlines. I'm going to attempt to get up at 5:30am Monday-Friday of this week and do Focus T25.

T25 Cardio
Body Beast: BUILD Shoulders

T25 Speed 1.0

T25 Total Body Circuit
Body Beast: BUILD Back & Biceps

Abs Intervals

Lower Focus
Body Beast: BUILD Chest & Triceps

This is ambitious.
I will do my best.
I will be kind to myself.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Friday, May 8, 2015

Day 45 & 46

On Thursday I biked to work. 
Today I took s knee. But I'm eating really well!

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Day 44 REST Day

I had had Sundays as my rest day, but I took that long bike ride.

I'll probably take another bike ride or hike with my kids this Mother's Day, so I'm taking some R&R today.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Day 43 Training Wheels Off

I biked to school today for my 8am class. Yep, got up and headed out at 7:20 and get there with ten minutes to spare.

The ride was there was great!

The ride back...was harder. It got really HOT!

I'll be back on the road tomorrow!

Monday, May 4, 2015

Day 41 & 42

That bike ride yesterday was awesome! I burned more calories than I ate with two hours of riding. I'm thinking of taking today off, or only walking. I've got a lot of writing to get done and I can't focus on anything else. Well see...

I lost over a pound last week;-) Something's working.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Day 40

Today is going to be a rest day for me.

A lot of times when I start a new workout regime, I get sick. I think some germ laying dormant inside me stirs and rears its ugly head.

Its happened.

I caught a fever and a fever blister. I'm not going to let it derail me. I've slept in this morning. But the day is too gorgeous. I'm gonna head out, probably take out a bike for a really short ride, and then come back and rest some more.

Day 39

Had a great workout doing BUILD Back and Biceps.

But even better than that, I signed up for the Capital Bike Share.

I only work four days a week. When I'm lazy, I drive which costs about $20 a week in parking. When I'm feeling eco-friendly, I ride the city bus which costs about $12 per week.

The Capital Bike Share costs a little over $7 per month to borrow a bike any time every day for 30 minute rides. There's a bike path that leads from my home in Arlington to the campus in Rosslyn. I can't wait to get started...gotta go get a helmet first.